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Upcoming Events

Now that the Pretrial Fairness Act is officially implemented, we need your help to make sure everything is going as intended in Winnebago County!  The Illinois Network for Pretrial Justice has a quick and easy tool you can use to send a letter to your state legislators thanking them for this important new law and encouraging them to resist any rollbacks.  Click here to send your letter and then share the link on social media.


Volunteer to help us observe initial appearance court by emailing

You made this civil rights advancement possible, and your continued actions will ensure that so many of our friends and neighbors have their freedom! 

View our 2022 year in review here:

Rockford Urban Ministries is open to God’s Shalom by establishing new and special ministries, especially in the urban areas of Rockford, IL. We support our member congregations in promoting peace, mission and justice ministries, specially through growth and outreach.

Sign up for our enewsletter here.